Mike Hilton, President

At SparkBase Consulting, we believe in your company's future and are excited to help you get there.

Big ideas can transform organizations and impact communities. However, big ideas often fail because they don’t get the care and attention they need in their early infancy. That’s where we come in.

We help you build plans for the future that increase buy-in from your stakeholders.  We help you map out and execute those plans, working with your team to identify and overcome obstacles along the way.  We help you streamline your customer journey, leading to audience growth.  Finally, once our work is in a groove and breathing on its own, we work with you to seamlessly transition the concept to a long-term staffing solution.

Whether you need a strategic plan, want to launch a new revenue stream, or organize your audience growth strategy, we’d love to hear what you’re working on.

SparkBase Consulting operates out of Lexington, KY.  Led by our president, Mike Hilton, we work with a phenomenal pool of talent to build the team that custom-fits your project.  We also take pride in using our experience to serve the local community through organizations like the Lexington Children’s Museum and a variety of teen mentoring programs.

For Speaking Engagements:
If you’d like to explore having Mike speak at your event, please contact him through the Contact Us page. He’ll bring a passion for serving rising leaders, getting big ideas off the ground, and experience speaking to groups ranging from a dozen to several thousand.